Keep up-to-date with the latest activities of UFAW including announcements about UFAW Awards open for application and the latest book releases.
Animal Welfare Journal
10 November 2017
Are consumers wilfully ignorant about animal welfare? What are stakeholders’ perspectives of elephant welfare? What effect does stress in the mother have for the progeny of sheep? The answers to these and other welfare questions can be found in the latest issue of the Journal Animal Welfare
Christmas cards and other promotional items
2 October 2017
Just a brief reminder that UFAW’s range of Christmas cards and other items are available to purchase online. Each purchase helps to promote and support the work of the charity and the current gift catalogue can be accessed here. You can also order your gifts on-line here
UFAW’s LINK Scheme continues to grow
29 September 2017
Over the last twelve months, UFAW has continued to grow its outreach programme of University LINKS, which now number close to 100.
Annual Report highlights range of projects supported
26 September 2017
10th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences
26 September 2017
UFAW’s Senior Scientific Programme Manager Dr Huw Golledge recently travelled to Seattle to attend the 10th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences.
UFAW marks Remember a Charity Week
14 September 2017
Every year, more and more people like to leave a gift to charity in their Will. Most of our funds come from the generosity of our members and supporters; but it’s a little known fact that gifts in Wills are actually our most vital source of income. Charitable legacies are the foundation for causes like ours and are vital in continuing our work to improve animal welfare. Even a small amount can make a big difference.
Hold the date - 28th June 2018
30 August 2017
The biennial UFAW Animal Welfare Conference Recent advances in animal welfare science VI will be held on 28th June 2018. Click here to visit the conference webpage
UFAW’S Symposium well received
17 August 2017
UFAW’S international symposium was held at Royal Holloway from 27th to 29th June and welcomed over 240 delegates from 26 countries. Attending were leading scientists, veterinary surgeons, policy makers and others interested in animals and their welfare.
UFAW Gifts
26 July 2017
The updated range of UFAW gifts and cards has proved extremely popular with bags, brollies, pens and pads selling like the proverbial hot cakes.
UFAW supports project to enrich the lives of captive elephants in Thailand
7 June 2017
UFAW is one of the supporters of a workshop project in Thailand aimed at improving the welfare of elephants living in captivity in Thailand and elsewhere in Southeast Asia.