UFAW’s Annual Report for 2016-17, which has just been published, highlights the range of projects the charity has supported aimed at improving our knowledge of animal welfare.
One of the larger awards was made to support a project which, if successful, will begin to answer perhaps the most fundamental question in animal welfare - how an animal feels. Others have addressed the welfare of a range of species from elephants to voles, as well as travel grants to facilitate sharing of knowledge and expertise.
In a busy year for meetings, events and symposia, UFAW’s international symposium held in June welcomed over 240 delegates from 26 countries. Attending were leading scientists, veterinary surgeons, policy makers and others interested in animals and their welfare.
The charity’s progress and achievements over the past twelve months is a reflection of the support UFAW has had from its members and donors. If you’d like to become a member or make a donation, you can do so here (link to memberships page). To download a copy of this year’s annual report click here