Keep up-to-date with the latest activities of UFAW including announcements about UFAW Awards open for application and the latest book releases.

UFAW's journal Animal Welfare reaches landmark issue
14 November 2016
Genetic Health Website Expanded
14 November 2016
More information on the welfare aspects of genetic diseases and conditions, what they are and why they cause pain or discomfort, is now available.

Fighting for Ferals
16 September 2016
Did you know that UFAW helped pave the way for the humane treatment of feral cats?

14 September 2016
The year in review – Annual Report 2015-16 now published.

Nationwide Remember a Charity Awareness Week
14 September 2016
This year's annual Awareness Week (12th - 18th September) encourages people to consider leaving a charitable gift in their Will.
EU Referendum
24 June 2016
UFAW is an international scientific animal welfare organisation but is based within the UK. We do not believe that the UK EU referendum result will have any immediate effects on welfare legislation within the UK. The charity will however be keeping a very close eye on developments. UFAW will continue to work to ensure that existing good legislative provisions are maintained and that advances in animal welfare science become incorporated into UK and also international legislation.
The 9 to 5 rodent: time for change?
24 May 2016
UFAW’S Senior Scientific Programme Manager Dr Huw Golledge will be giving a presentation at the Measuring Behaviour symposium in Dublin on the 27th of May which will be looking at the animal welfare implications associated with studying the behaviour of laboratory rats and mice and disturbing them when they would normally be asleep.
UFAW International Symposium 2017
15 May 2016
Measuring animal welfare and applying scientific advances - Why is it still so difficult?
27-29th June 2017
UFAW assists with developing standards for laboratory animal care in China
15 May 2016
For some years, UFAW has been jointly organising seminars with the Home Office, Chinese Association of Laboratory Animal Science CALAS, and AAALAC International to assist in the development of Chinese regulation in this area. The latest attracted over 450 Chinese delegates.
Virtual Conference reaches over 50,000 people
15 April 2016
UFAW’S Senior Scientific Programme Manager Dr Huw Golledge gave a keynote presentation at the LabRoots two-day international Laboratory Animal Science (LAS) virtual conference, which was held live entirely online.