University LINKs Scheme
University College Dublin (Ireland)
Dr Alison Hanlon
Veterinary Sciences Centre
In April, UFAW was happy to help support the visit of Temple Grandin, Professor of Animal Science at Colorado State University, to University College, Dublin where she gave a talk on ‘Auditing Animal Welfare: Practical Improvements in Slaughter Plants’ to an audience of over 300 staff and students.
Professor Grandin focused on the importance of animal-based measures such as vocalizations, to identify welfare problems during unloading, lairage and at stunning and slaughter. She also outlined the principles of animal handling and designing facilities to support the movement of animals through a handling facilities, for example, by taking account of the sensory perception of animals – and their response to different levels of light l - to design raceways which encourage animals to move through them. The talk was followed by a lively and informative discussion.
Photo Courtesy of Kasia Szymanska