Make a difference to animal welfare in Israel

Promoting Animal Welfare in Israel
The UFAW SAWI Fund has evolved from the Society for Animal Welfare in Israel, once a charitable organisation in its own right and now an integral part of UFAW.
The aim of the Fund is to support and promote scientific and educational initiatives for the advancement of animal welfare in Israel.
The history of the UFAW SAWI Fund
The Society for Animal Welfare in Israel (SAWI) was founded in 1958 by Miss Marguerite Silverman MRCVS, a veterinarian living in the UK, following a visit to Israel the previous year. In due course SAWI became a UK registered charity (No 206494). In January 1987, at Miss Silverman’s request, the UFAW Council took over responsibility for SAWI.
On 7th October 2003, following discussions with Miss Silverman and consultation with the SAWI membership and the Charity Commission, SAWI was brought within UFAW to become the UFAW SAWI Fund for promoting animal welfare in Israel. This was done to enable the further development of SAWI activities under the umbrella of UFAW’s limited liability (SAWI had been an unincorporated association).