Support the genetic welfare problems web resource
Make a Donation

Large or small, your donation means a great deal to the lives of many animals, and is vital in helping us continue UFAW's work. UFAW relies upon donations from people like you who want to see real, practical and lasting improvements to the welfare of animals that are based upon what is important from the animal's point of view rather than our own.
There are several ways you can make a donation, including online (see below):
Regular Giving
With a regular donation by monthly standing order you can spread your gift and make a difference to animal welfare all year long. While convenient and secure for you, it helps us plan more effectively because it gives us an ongoing source of dependable income.
Download a Monthly Giving form
You can also donate annually. Download a yearly Standing Order form here.
Online Donation
Make a one off donation by filling in this
Donate by Phone or Post
Telephone +44 (0) 1582 831818 with your credit card details
You can post a cheque or postal order (payable to UFAW), or your card details (download a simple form for your card details here) to:
The Old School
Brewhouse Hill
Herts AL4 8AN
We accept VISA, Delta, MasterCard, Switch and CAF Charity Card.
Don't forget to complete your Gift Aid Declaration so that we can reclaim tax on the amount of your donation.
Fundraising in aid of UFAW
UFAW is always extremely grateful for donations we receive from members and supporters, whether these are as a result of an individual gift or an independent fundraising event. Without such support, we would not be able to do the work we do to benefit animal welfare. However, please note that if you are holding a fundraising event the charity cannot accept any responsibility or liability for any activity held in aid of UFAW. Similarly, if you are entering into contractual arrangements as part of your fundraising efforts, you are personally responsible for those agreements and cannot act as a representative of the charity or sign anything in our name.