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Animal Welfare - Content and Abstracts
Volume 24
Issue 4
November 2015
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Volume 24 number 4
- Cumulative experience, age-class, sex and season affect the behavioural responses of European badgers (Meles meles) to handling and sedation. Q Sun, C Stevens, C Newman, CD Buesching and DW Macdonald
- Effects of catching and transportation versus pre-slaughter handling at the abattoir on the prevalence of wing fractures in broilers. KE Kittelsen, EG Granquist, G Vasdal, E Tolo and RO Moe
- Flight distance and reaction to fawn handling are greater in high- than in low-ranked pampas deer (Ozotoceros bezoarticus) females. R Ungerfeld, JT Morales-Piñeyrúa and A Freitas-de-Melo
- Stakeholder views on treating pain due to dehorning dairy calves. JA Robbins, DM Weary, CA Schuppli and MAG von Keyserlingk
- A pilot study to develop an assessment tool for sheep welfare after long journey transports. S Messori, E Sossidou, M Buonanno, B Mounaix, S Barnard, V Vousdouka, P Dalla Villa, K de Roest and H Spoolder
- Evaluation of a novel rodenticide: welfare assessment of fatal methaemoglobinaemia in adult rats (Rattus norvegicus). TJ Gibson, RJ Quy, CT Eason and NG Gregory
- Evaluation of a novel rodenticide: acute sub-lethal effects of a methaemoglobin-inducing agent. RJ Quy, TJ Gibson, MS Lambert, CT Eason and NG Gregory
- Hormonal and behavioural stress responses to capture and radio-collar fitting in free-ranging pampas deer (Ozotocerosbezoarticus). MS Munerato, JA Marques, NA Caulkett, W Tomás, ES Zanetti, RG Trovati, GT Pereira and R Palme
- Slow and steady wins the race? No signs of reduced welfare in smaller breeder hens at four weeks of age. C Lindholm, A Calais, J Jönsson, N Yngwe, E Berndtson, E Hult and J Altimiras
- Evaluation of an innovative approach for sensory enrichment in zoos: semiochemical stimulation for captive lions (Panthera leo). M Martínez-Macipe, C Lafont-Lecuelle, X Manteca, P Pageat and A Cozzi
- Stereotypic mice are aggressed by their cage-mates, and tend to be poor demonstrators in social learning tasks. L Harper, E Choleris, K Ervin, C Fureix, K Reynolds, M Walker and G Mason
- Effects of gentle interaction on the relationship with humans and on stress-related parameters in group-housed calves. S Lürzel, I Windschnurer, A Futschik, R Palme and S Waiblinger
- Transport of horses for slaughter in Iceland. RC Roy, MS Cockram, IR Dohoo and S Ragnarsson
- Investigating the role of coat colour, age, sex, and breed on outcomes for dogs at two animal shelters in the United States. HJ Svoboda and CL Hoffman