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Animal Welfare - Content and Abstracts
Volume 2
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Volume 2 Number 1
February 1993
- Reasons and risks associated with manipulating captive primates' social environments. E Visalberghi and J R Anderson
- Responses of cotton-top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus) to faecal scents of predators and non-predators. H M Buchanan-Smith, D A Anderson and C W Ryan
- The human-animal relationship in agriculture and its consequences for the animal. P H Hemsworth, J L Barnett and G J Coleman
- The behaviour and survival of rehabilitated hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus). P A Morris, K Meakin and S Sharafi
- Should cages for laying hens be banned or modified? M C Appleby
Volume 2 Number 2
May 19923
- Differences in fearfulness indicated by tonic immobility between laying hens in aviaries and in cages. I Hansen, B O Braastad, J Storbraten and M Tofastrud
- The development of stereotyped body rocking in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) reared in a variety of nursery settings. K A Pazol and M A Bloomsmith
- Assessment of hunger in growing broiler breeders in relation to a commercial restricted feeding programme. C J Savory, K Maros and S M Rutter
- Pre-feeding agonism and seasonality in captive groups of chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). S M Howell, M Matevia, J Fritz, L Nash and S Maki
- Using the mesh ceiling as a food puzzle to encourage foraging behaviour in caged rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta). V Reinhardt
Volume 2 Number 3
August 1993
- Stress and animal welfare. P R Wiepkema and J M Koolhaas
- Group formation and behavioural changes with release to free-ranging in red ruffed lemurs, Varecia varigata rubra. L K Garrison and F J White
- The effect of bedding on the behaviour and welfare of pigs. D S Arey
- Individual differences in temperament of domestic animals: a review of methodology. X Manteca and J M Deag
- A comparison of the behaviour of solitary and group-housed budgerigars. C J Nicol and S J Pope
Volume 2 Number 4
November 1993
- Why is there no simple way of measuring animal welfare? G Mason and M Mendl
- Childhood pet keeping and humane attitudes in young adulthood. E S Paul and J A Serpel
- Social roles in cattle: a plea for interchange of ideas between primatologists and applied ethologists. X Manteca and J M Deag
- Measuring gut passage times in small New World monkeys. E C Price
- The use of microchip implants in identification of two species of macaque. S E Wolfensohn