Animal Welfare - Content and Abstracts

Volume 13
Supplement 2004

Proceedings of the UFAW International Symposium
Science in the Service of Animal Welfare

Edinburgh 2003

Published as a Supplementary Issue to Animal Welfare February 2004


Introduction and overview. JK Kirkwood

The science of welfare assessment

  1. Using behaviour to assess animal welfare. MS Dawkins
  2. The influences of standard laboratory cages on rodents and the validity of research data. CM Sherwin
  3. Consciousness, emotion and animal welfare: insights from cognitive science. M Mendl and ES Paul
  4. The use of demand functions to assess behavioural priorities in farm animals. MB Jensen, LJ Pedersen and J Ladewig
  5. Pacing polar bears and stoical sheep: testing ecological and evolutionary hypotheses about animal welfare. R Clubb and G Mason
  6. Brain measures which tell us about animal welfare. DM Broom and AJ Zanella
  7. Consumer demand under commercial husbandry conditions: practical advice on measuring behavioural priorities in captive animals. JJ Cooper
  8. Can't stop, won't stop: is stereotypy a reliable animal welfare indicator? GJ Mason and NR Latham
  9. Assessing pain in animals - putting research into practice. PA Flecknell and JV Roughan
  10. Measurement of aversion to determine humane methods of anaesthesia and euthanasia. MC Leach, VA Bowell, TF Allan and DB Morton
  11. Fish and welfare: do fish have the capacity for pain perception and suffering? VA Braithwaite and FA Huntingford
  12. Welfare assessment: indices from clinical observation. AJF Webster, DCJ Main and HR Whay
  13. Fractal analysis of animal behaviour as an indicator of animal welfare. KMD Rutherford, MJ Haskell, C Glasbey, RB Jones and AB Lawrence
  14. Cross-institutional assessment of stress responses in zoo animals using longitudinal monitoring of faecal corticoids and behaviour. DJ Shepherdson, KC Carlstead and N Wielebnowski
  15. Mechanisms of decision-making and the interpretation of choice tests. M Bateson


Using science in ethical decisions

  1. Scientific uncertainty - how should it be handled in relation to scientific advice regarding animal welfare issues? P Sandøe, B Forkman and SB Christiansen
  2. Using science to support ethical decisions promoting humane livestock slaughter and vertebrate pest control. DJ Mellor and KE Littin
  3. Trade-offs between welfare, conservation, utility and economics in wildlife management - a review of conflicts, compromises and regulation. JC Reynolds
  4. Ethical decisions concerning animal biotechnology: what is the role of animal welfare science? IAS Olsson and P Sandøe


Public understanding, science and other factors influencing animal welfare policy

  1. Factors influencing human attitudes to animals and their welfare. JA Serpell
  2. Laying hen welfare standards: a classic case of 'power to the people'. CJ Savory
  3. Science is not enough: how do we increase implementation? MC Appleby
  4. Science-based animal welfare standards: the international role of the Office International des Épizooties. ACD Bayvel
  5. Informed debate: the contribution of animal welfare science to the development of public policy. M Radford
  6. The application and transfer of scientific advances to the care of animals United States Department of Agriculture: building bridges through innovative animal well-being initiatives. RD Reynnells
  7. Guidelines development and scientific uncertainty: use of previous case studies to promote efficient production of guidelines on the care and use of fish in research, teaching and testing. G Griffin and C Gauthier
  8. Applying scientific advances to the welfare of farm animals: why is it getting more difficult? L Keeling
  9. Breeding and animal welfare: practical and theoretical advantages of multi-trait selection. AB Lawrence, J Conington and G Simm
  10. What factors should determine cage sizes for primates in the laboratory? HM Buchanan-Smith, MJ Prescott and NJ Cross
  11. Cognitive and communicative capacities of Grey parrots - implications for the enrichment of many species. IM Pepperberg
  12. Enrichment of laboratory caging for rats: a review. EG Patterson-Kane
  13. Feather pecking in poultry: the application of science in a search for practical solutions. RB Jones, HJ Blokhuis, IC de Jong, LJ Keeling, TM McAdie and R Preisinger
  14. Ethics and welfare of animals used in education: an overview. LA King
  15. Refinement of gerbil housing and husbandry in the laboratory. E Waiblinger and B König

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Animal Welfare has established itself as an objective international forum for publication of peer-reviewed papers on all aspects of laboratory, farm, wild, zoo and companion animal welfare. The journal is covered by the Science Citation Index®, Current Contents®/Agriculture, Biology and Environmental Sciences, SciSearch® , Zoological Record and numerous abstracting services.

Editor-in-Chief: Dr James K Kirkwood, UFAW, UK.

Section Editors: Professor B M Spruijt; Dr M Stevenson; Dr D C Turner; Professor J Hau; Dr N Prescott; Professor D Fraser; Professor P Sandoe.

Editorial Advisers: Dr R Baker, Dr M F Bouissou, Professor D Broom, Professor Marian Stamp Dawkins, Mr R Ewbank, Dr M Festing, Professor B Hart, Professor D Morton, Dr J Serpell, Professor J Webster, Professor P Wiepkema.

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