Make a difference to the lives of animals worldwide
Animal Welfare - Content and Abstracts
Volume 13
Supplement 2004
Proceedings of the UFAW International Symposium
Science in the Service of Animal Welfare
Edinburgh 2003
Published as a Supplementary Issue to Animal Welfare February 2004
Introduction and overview. JK Kirkwood
The science of welfare assessment
- Using behaviour to assess animal welfare. MS Dawkins
- The influences of standard laboratory cages on rodents and the validity of research data. CM Sherwin
- Consciousness, emotion and animal welfare: insights from cognitive science. M Mendl and ES Paul
- The use of demand functions to assess behavioural priorities in farm animals. MB Jensen, LJ Pedersen and J Ladewig
- Pacing polar bears and stoical sheep: testing ecological and evolutionary hypotheses about animal welfare. R Clubb and G Mason
- Brain measures which tell us about animal welfare. DM Broom and AJ Zanella
- Consumer demand under commercial husbandry conditions: practical advice on measuring behavioural priorities in captive animals. JJ Cooper
- Can't stop, won't stop: is stereotypy a reliable animal welfare indicator? GJ Mason and NR Latham
- Assessing pain in animals - putting research into practice. PA Flecknell and JV Roughan
- Measurement of aversion to determine humane methods of anaesthesia and euthanasia. MC Leach, VA Bowell, TF Allan and DB Morton
- Fish and welfare: do fish have the capacity for pain perception and suffering? VA Braithwaite and FA Huntingford
- Welfare assessment: indices from clinical observation. AJF Webster, DCJ Main and HR Whay
- Fractal analysis of animal behaviour as an indicator of animal welfare. KMD Rutherford, MJ Haskell, C Glasbey, RB Jones and AB Lawrence
- Cross-institutional assessment of stress responses in zoo animals using longitudinal monitoring of faecal corticoids and behaviour. DJ Shepherdson, KC Carlstead and N Wielebnowski
- Mechanisms of decision-making and the interpretation of choice tests. M Bateson
Using science in ethical decisions
- Scientific uncertainty - how should it be handled in relation to scientific advice regarding animal welfare issues? P Sandøe, B Forkman and SB Christiansen
- Using science to support ethical decisions promoting humane livestock slaughter and vertebrate pest control. DJ Mellor and KE Littin
- Trade-offs between welfare, conservation, utility and economics in wildlife management - a review of conflicts, compromises and regulation. JC Reynolds
- Ethical decisions concerning animal biotechnology: what is the role of animal welfare science? IAS Olsson and P Sandøe
Public understanding, science and other factors influencing animal welfare policy
- Factors influencing human attitudes to animals and their welfare. JA Serpell
- Laying hen welfare standards: a classic case of 'power to the people'. CJ Savory
- Science is not enough: how do we increase implementation? MC Appleby
- Science-based animal welfare standards: the international role of the Office International des Épizooties. ACD Bayvel
- Informed debate: the contribution of animal welfare science to the development of public policy. M Radford
- The application and transfer of scientific advances to the care of animals United States Department of Agriculture: building bridges through innovative animal well-being initiatives. RD Reynnells
- Guidelines development and scientific uncertainty: use of previous case studies to promote efficient production of guidelines on the care and use of fish in research, teaching and testing. G Griffin and C Gauthier
- Applying scientific advances to the welfare of farm animals: why is it getting more difficult? L Keeling
- Breeding and animal welfare: practical and theoretical advantages of multi-trait selection. AB Lawrence, J Conington and G Simm
- What factors should determine cage sizes for primates in the laboratory? HM Buchanan-Smith, MJ Prescott and NJ Cross
- Cognitive and communicative capacities of Grey parrots - implications for the enrichment of many species. IM Pepperberg
- Enrichment of laboratory caging for rats: a review. EG Patterson-Kane
- Feather pecking in poultry: the application of science in a search for practical solutions. RB Jones, HJ Blokhuis, IC de Jong, LJ Keeling, TM McAdie and R Preisinger
- Ethics and welfare of animals used in education: an overview. LA King
- Refinement of gerbil housing and husbandry in the laboratory. E Waiblinger and B König
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Animal Welfare has established itself as an objective international forum for publication of peer-reviewed papers on all aspects of laboratory, farm, wild, zoo and companion animal welfare. The journal is covered by the Science Citation Index®, Current Contents®/Agriculture, Biology and Environmental Sciences, SciSearch® , Zoological Record and numerous abstracting services.
Editor-in-Chief: Dr James K Kirkwood, UFAW, UK.
Section Editors: Professor B M Spruijt; Dr M Stevenson; Dr D C Turner; Professor J Hau; Dr N Prescott; Professor D Fraser; Professor P Sandoe.
Editorial Advisers: Dr R Baker, Dr M F Bouissou, Professor D Broom, Professor Marian Stamp Dawkins, Mr R Ewbank, Dr M Festing, Professor B Hart, Professor D Morton, Dr J Serpell, Professor J Webster, Professor P Wiepkema.