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Animal Welfare - Content and Abstracts
Volume 12
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Volume 12 Number 1
February 2003
- The humaneness of rodent pest control. G Mason and K E Littin
- The value of environmental resources to domestic hens: a comparison of the work-rate for food and for nests as a function of time. J J Cooper and M C Appleby
- Telemetry as a method for measuring the impact of housing conditions on rats’ welfare. T C Krohn, A K Hansen and N Dragsted
- Effect of catching broilers by hand or machine on rates of injuries and dead-on-arrivals. U Knierim and A Gocke
- Voluntary animal welfare assessment of mass-produced farm animal housing equipment using a standardised procedure. U Knierim, D Hesse, E von Borell, H-J Herrmann, C Müller, H-W Rauch, N Sachser and F Zerbe
- Maintaining behavioural diversity in captivity for conservation: natural behaviour management. L A Rabin
- A continuous-choice assessment of the domestic fowl’s aversion to concurrent transport stressors. J M MacCaluim, S M Abeyesinghe, R P White and C M Wathes
- The effect of nose ringing on exploratory behaviour in gilts. M Studnitz, K Hjelholt Jensen, E Jørgensen and K Kjaer Jensen
Short Communication
Volume 12 Number 2
May 2003
- The effect of morphology on the musculoskeletal system of the modern broiler. Corr S A, Gentle M J, McCorquodale C C and Bennett D
- The effect of morphology on walking ability in the modern broiler: a gait analysis study. Corr S A, Gentle M J, McCorquodale C C and Bennett D
- Cat housing in rescue shelters: a welfare comparison between communal and discrete-unit housing. D S Ottway and D M Hawkins
- The effect of contact with conspecifics and humans on calves’ behaviour and stress responses. S Raussi, B J Lensink, A Boissy, M Pyykkönen and I Veissier
- Animal-based measures for the assessment of welfare state of dairy cattle, pigs and laying hens: consensus of expert opinion. H R Whay, D C J Main, L E Green and A J F Webster
- Outline of a risk assessment: the welfare of future xeno-donor pigs. K Dahl, P Sandøe, P F Johnsen, J Lassen and A Kornerup Hansen
- Influence of social status on the welfare of sows in static and dynamic groups. N E O’Connell, V E Beattie and B W Moss
- Stability of breeding and non-breeding groups of golden-headed lion tamarins (Leontopithecus chrysomelas). K De Vleeschouwer, K Leus and L Van Elsacker
- Light, vision and the welfare of poultry. N B Prescott, C M Wathes and J R Jarvis
Volume 12 Number 3
August 2003
- Behavioural and physiological differences between silver foxes selected and not selected for domestic behaviour. M Harri, J Mononen, L Ahola, I Plyusnina and T Rekilä
- The effect of an audience on the gakel-call and other frustration behaviours in the laying hen (Gallus gallus domesticus). P H Zimmerman, A Lundberg, L J Keeling and P Koene
- Factors affecting the successful pairing of unfamiliar common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) females: preliminary results. B Majolo, H M Buchanan-Smith and K Morris
- The effects of early separation on the dairy cow and calf. F C Flower and D M Weary
- Assessing the relative aversiveness of two stimuli: single sheep in the arena test. H W Erhard
- Maternal response to mother–offspring separation in the chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes). M A Bloomsmith, L R Tarou, S P Lambeth and M D Haberstroh
- Adrenocorticotrophin-induced stress response in captive vicunas (Vicugna vicugna) in the Andes of Chile. C Bonacic, D W Macdonald and G Villouta
- The physiological impact of wool-harvesting procedures in vicunas (Vicugna vicugna). C Bonacic and D W Macdonald
Short Communication
- Effect of transport stress on serum haptoglobin and pig-MAP in pigs. Y Saco, M J Docampo, E Fàbrega, X Manteca, A Diestre, F Lampreave and A Bassols
Volume 12 Number 4
November 2003
- Assessment of animal welfare at farm and group level: introduction and overview. A J F Webster
- Assessing animal welfare at the farm and group level: the interplay of science and values. D Fraser
- Measuring and monitoring animal welfare: transparency in the food product quality chain. H J Blokhuis, R B Jones, R Geers, M Miele and I Veissier
- Evaluation of welfare state based on interpretation of multiple indices. E M Scott, J L Fitzpatrick, A M Nolan, J Reid and M L Wiseman
- Farm animal welfare: the interaction of ethical questions and animal welfare science. P Sandøe, S B Christiansen and M C Appleby
- Stockmanship and farm animal welfare. X Boivin, J Lensink, C Tallet and I Veissier
- Assessing animal welfare at the farm and group level: a United States perspective. J A Mench
- The ethical implications of the human–animal bond on the farm. R Anthony
- Video image analysis and animal welfare on farm. S Barbera
- Assessing pain, suffering and distress in laboratory animals: an RSPCA survey of current practice in the UK. P Hawkins
- Applications for methods of on-farm welfare assessment. D C J Main, J P Kent, F Wemelsfelder, E Ofner and F A M Tuyttens
- Integrating parameters to assess on-farm welfare. H Spoolder, G De Rosa, B Hörning, S Waiblinger and F Wemelsfelder
- Measures of developmental instability as integrated, a posteriori indicators of farm animal welfare: a review. F A M Tuyttens
- Evaluating a concept for an animal welfare assessment system providing decision support using qualitative interviews. M Vaars
- Relationships between building design, management system and dairy cow welfare. V A Bowell, L J Rennie, G Tierney, A B Lawrence and M J Haskell
- On-farm assessment of the effect of management and housing type on behaviour and welfare in dairy cattle. M J Haskell, L J Rennie, V A Bowell, F Wemelsfelder and A B Lawrence
- Attempts to integrate different parameters into an overall picture of animal welfare using investigations in dairy loose houses as an example. B Hörning
- Preliminary investigation into the use of expert opinion to compare the overall welfare of dairy cattle farms in different farm assurance schemes. D C J Main, H R Whay, L E Green and A J F Webster
- Correlations between the results of animal welfare assessments by the TGI 35 L Austrian Animal Needs Index and health and behavioural parameters of cattle. E Ofner, T Amon, M Lins and B Amon
- Methodological aspects for the assessment of social behaviour and avoidance distance on dairy farms. C Mülleder, J Troxler and S Waiblinger
- Influence of sample size and experimenter on reliability of measures of avoidance distance in dairy cows. S Waiblinger and C Menke
- A study of three methods used to assess stockmanship on commercial dairy farms: can these become effective welfare assessment techniques? L J Rennie, V A Bowell, J M Dearing, M J Haskell and A B Lawrence
- Is lameness a welfare problem in dairy farms with automatic milking systems? I C Klaas, T Rousing, C Fossing, J Hindhede and J T Sørensen
- Subjective and objective assessment of pain and discomfort due to lameness in dairy cattle. K A O’Callaghan, P J Cripps, D Y Downham and R D Murray
- An animal-based welfare assessment of group-housed calves on UK dairy farms. H R Whay, D C J Main, L E Green and A J F Webster
- Selection of parameters for on-farm welfare-assessment protocols in cattle and buffalo. C Winckler, J Capdeville, G Gebresenbet, B Hörning, U Roiha, M Tosi and S Waiblinger
- Repeatability of some animal-related variables in dairy cows and buffaloes. G De Rosa, C Tripaldi, F Napolitano, F Saltalamacchia, F Grasso, V Bisegna and A Bordi
- Husbandry and animal health on organic pig farms in Austria. J Baumgartner, T Leeb, T Gruber and R Tiefenbacher
- Towards a baseline assessment of organic pig welfare. J E L Day, H Kelly, A Martins and S A Edwards
- On-farm monitoring of pig welfare by assessment of housing, management, health records and plasma haptoglobin. R Geers, B Petersen, K Huysmans, S Knura-Deszczka, M De Becker, S Gymnich, D Henot, S Hiss and H Sauerwein
- Developing a welfare assessment system for use in commercial organic egg production. L Hegelund, J T Sørensen and N F Johansen
- Can a modified latency-to-lie test be used to validate gait-scoring results in commercial broiler flocks? C Berg and G S Sanotra
- Differences in the expression of genes in lame and normal broiler chickens identified by subtraction hybridisation. A Butterworth, N A Reeves, T G Knowles and S C Kestin
- Use of conjoint analysis to weight welfare assessment measures for broiler chickens in UK husbandry systems. S M Haslam and S C Kestin
- A comparison between leg problems in Danish and Swedish broiler production. G Singh Sanotra, C Berg and J Damkjer Lund
- Safeguarding the welfare of livestock grazing on nature conservation sites. F W Grayson
- Welfare assessment of working donkeys: assessment of the impact of an animal healthcare project in West Kenya. C Leeb, C Henstridge, K Dewhurst and K Bazeley
- Assessing the welfare status of newborn farm animals. D J Mellor and K J Stafford
- Assessing animal welfare in a strictly synchronous production system: the mink case. S H Møller, S W Hansen and J T Sørensen
- Behaviour patterns of horses can be used to establish a dominant–subordinate relationship between man and horse. C Sighieri, D Tedeschi, C De Andreis, L Petri and P Baragli