The Universities Federation for Animal Welfare (UFAW) and the Humane Slaughter Association (HSA) are proud to announce that Dr Birte Nielsen, our Research Director, has been appointed as a Visiting Professor at the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, University of Edinburgh.
The College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine Promotions and Honorary Status Committee has conferred this prestigious title upon Dr Nielsen, recognising her high academic distinction and her significant contributions to the fields of animal welfare and applied ethology. This professorship also highlights the close working relationship between UFAW, HSA, and the University of Edinburgh in advancing research, teaching, and infrastructure support.
The appointment is a testament to Dr Nielsen's exceptional leadership and dedication to science-based approaches to animal welfare, which align with the core values of UFAW and HSA, both of which are deeply rooted in scientific research and evidence-based practice.
Upon receiving the appointment, Dr Nielsen expressed her enthusiasm: “I am honoured to have been given this title, which will provide great opportunities to collaborate with the University of Edinburgh, exploring new ways to promote applied ethology and animal welfare science. In my position as Research Director for UFAW and the HSA, the appointment also the continuing importance of these scientific organisations in expanding our knowledge and applying evidence-based animal welfare in practice.”
This Visiting Professorship not only highlights the global impact of Dr Nielsen's work, but also reflects the ongoing commitment of UFAW and HSA to uphold the highest standards of animal welfare research and education.