UFAW's Dr Huw Golledge has travelled to Hong Kong to speak at the Animal Welfare Across Borders meeting. Topics at the meeting include cat and dog welfare in Thailand, the Chinese pig industry and animal welfare and sustainability amongst others. Huw’s presentation at the conference is entitled Diagnosing poor welfare – the need for sensitivity, specificity and generalisability.
The aim of the conference is to increase our knowledge of the different ways animal welfare is understood and addressed around the world. The goal is to develop ideas for local animal welfare initiatives, supported by local science projects, in order to progress animal welfare at a global level, while taking cultural and environmental differences and constraints into consideration. In addition, the meeting will attempt to highlight lessons that could be learned by developing and developed countries alike.
For further information on the conference, see https://www.cityu.edu.hk/…/NewsItems/2018/UFAW2018/index.asp