Keep up-to-date with the latest activities of UFAW including announcements about UFAW Awards open for application and the latest book releases.

UFAW-funded Animal Welfare Student Scholarship could lead to welfare benefits for laying hens
17 March 2021
UFAW student scholar Rosa Schimmel, who undertook an internship at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Utrecht, was awarded an Animal Welfare Student Scholarship in 2020. She chose laying hens for her scholarship subject

Small Project funding helps rodents
17 March 2021
In 2019, UFAW awarded a grant of £1,877 under its Small Projects awards to Dr Claire Gibson at the University of Nottingham to enrich the environment of laboratory rodents by providing playpens and toys for them to interact with.

UFAW 2021 conference – latest
26 January 2021
The deadline for receiving abstracts for the 2021 conference – Recent advances in animal welfare science VIII has now passed but we have been delighted with the response

Improvements in animal welfare do not automatically change public opinion or decrease farm income
15 December 2020
A new, more comprehensive approach to evaluating measures to improve sow and piglet welfare in terms of their effect on farm income and public attitudes as well as animal welfare has delivered some interesting results.

UFAW’S Journal Animal Welfare now PCI friendly
3 December 2020
UFAW’s respected and renowned Journal Animal Welfare will now consider articles recommended by Peer Community in Animal Science (PCI Animal Science).

New section editors join UFAW’s Animal Welfare Journal editorial team
3 December 2020
After nearly twenty years of loyal service, Professor Peter Sandøe has stood down as Section Editor for Ethics, Philosophy and Social Science. During this time, Peter has taken charge of close to 100 papers and we would like to thank him for all his hard work on the Journal, which has been deeply appreciated.

Annual Report highlights a year of change and opportunity
17 September 2020
Annual Report for 2019-20, which has just been published, emphasises how the organisation has adapted to meet the challenges posed by the coronavirus pandemic, with the charity pivoting quickly to turn its two-day conference Recent Advances in Animal Welfare VII, into a virtual event.

UFAW and HSA support new Veterinary Manifesto
10 September 2020
UFAW and its sister charity, the Humane Slaughter Association, are pleased to add their support to new evidence-based veterinary medicine manifesto which sets out how veterinary professionals and other stakeholders should act to improve evidence-based veterinary medicine.

9 September 2020
Now more than ever UFAW is relying on gifts in Wills from supporters like you to help our work continue.

Rabbit Awareness Week 2020
10 August 2020
Rabbit Awareness Week brings together leading rabbit welfare experts and veterinary professionals from across the UK, along with welfare charities and organisations that work to help improve standards of rabbit care. This year, it is running as a virtual event over two weeks, from 10-23 August.