Recent advances in animal welfare science IV
UFAW Animal Welfare Conference
26th June 2014
York Merchant Adventurers’ Hall, UK
The field of animal welfare is a cross-disciplinary area of study that seeks to offer guidance and find solutions to the challenges raised by our caring for and interactions with both kept and wild animals. As part of its on-going commitment to improving animal welfare through increased scientific understanding of animals’ needs and how these can be met, UFAW is holding the fourth of a series of one day conferences on ‘Recent advances in animal welfare science’ on 26th June 2014. This regular meeting, which will be held in York, aims to provide a forum at which the broad and growing international community of scientists, veterinary surgeons and others concerned with animal welfare can come together to share knowledge and practice, discuss advances and exchange views.
THE CONFERENCE IS NOW FULLY BOOKED. As part of UFAW’s commitment to providing a forum for the exchange of ideas and to ensure that the meeting is accessible to widest range of those with an interest in animal welfare, the registration fee to attend this conference is kept low, this time at £28. Note: This price includes refreshments but delegates will need to make their own arrangements for lunch.
Delegates are responsible for booking their own accommodation. There are a number of hotels eg Hotel 53, Travelodge and Novotel within 5 minutes walk of the venue. Links to these can be found by visiting this (Alternatively enter ‘hotels near Piccadilly, York’ into a search engine).
The conference is being held in York, in the medieval Merchant Adventurers’ Hall, Fossgate YO1 9XD, UK. Located next to the pedestrianised centre of York and built in 1357, the timbered Hall and Undercroft make up one of the best preserved medieval Guild Halls in the world.
Travel information for York can be found here and a map of the area surrounding the Merchant Adventurers’ here.
Any questions about the conference should be directed to:
Dr Stephen Wickens, Development Officer