Animal Welfare Student Scholars’ Meeting 2017
Wednesday 13th December 2017,
Agriculture Building, School of Agriculture, Policy and Development, Whiteknights Campus, Reading RG6 7BE, UK
Featuring talks by students who undertook UFAW & HSA*
(Dorothy Sidley) Animal Welfare Student Scholarships in 2017.
* UFAW’s sister charity, the Humane Slaughter Association
The International
Each year UFAW holds a meeting at which the students who were awarded a UFAW animal welfare student scholarship talk about their research. These meetings, are usually held in December and free to attend, are always enjoyable and offer the scholars the opportunity to meet one another and the UFAW staff and to gain valuable experience in presenting their work. Over the years the quality of the presentations has been a notable feature and this year – the 19th of these meetings – proved no exception with scholars delivering some excellent talks, on subjects as diverse as the effectiveness of Meloxicam in providing pain relief in Merino lambs undergoing mulesing (Lydia Inglis, Murdoch University, Australia), hair cortisol as a biomarker for chronic stress in Border collies with idiopathic epilepsy (Alexander Davies, Royal Veterinary College, UK and links between skin lesions, aggression and lameness in breeding sows (Petra Briene, Institute for Agricultural, Fisheries and Food Research, Belgium).
Also awarded at this meeting was the first Farm Animal Care Trust scholarship, given in memory of Ruth Harrison. This went to Eva Read of the University of Plymouth who was presented with a copy of Ruth Harrison’s seminal work “Animal Machines” for her study on “Quantifying the extent of hunger in dry sows”.
UFAW would like to thank Professor Richard Bennett, Dr Rebecca Meagher and their colleagues at the School of Agriculture, Policy and Development at the University of Reading for kindly agreeing to host the meeting and everyone who attended or spoke at the meeting and who helped make it so enjoyable.
Left to right: Dr Rebecca Meagher (Reading), Cäcilia Wimmler (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria), Eric de Andrade Culhari (São Paulo State University, Brazil), Lydia Inglis (Murdoch University, Australia), Eva Read (Plymouth), Dr Robert Hubrecht (UFAW), Reanne McDonald (Reading), Petra Briene (Institute for Agricultural, Fisheries and Food Research, Belgium), Iona Charlton (Cambridge) “, Martha Sahota (Solihull College and University Centre), Chelsie Bailey (Bristol), Gabrielle Lindley (Liverpool), Alexander Davies (Royal Veterinary College), Dr Susan Richmond (HSA), Janica Niva (University of Stirling, UK), Katie Lihou (Bristol)