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Animal Welfare journal 2023
UFAW is delighted to announce that Cambridge University Press will begin publishing the Animal Welfare journal as an online only, fully Gold Open Access (OA) journal on behalf of UFAW as of January 2023.
Gold OA means that the subscription business model no longer applies -- rather, researchers who have their submitted manuscripts accepted for publication pay an article processing charge (APC), and the online journal is fully, openly available for anyone in the world to read its content.
With this change, Animal Welfare will be available on the Cambridge Core platform https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/animal-welfare. This sophisticated, high-performance site has been designed to help readers and researchers make fast and easy journeys to a vast range of valuable, useful, inspirational content. With over 1 million journal articles and 36,000+ books, Cambridge Core is the new central destination for academic research.
SPECIAL ISSUES or SUPPLEMENTS are also available. See Animal Welfare Supplements or contact UFAW for prices and availability.