UFAW marks Remember a Charity week
This week is Remember A Charity Week (7-13 September) and UFAW is one of over 200 charities across the country taking part.
Legacies have the power to have an impact far into the future and UFAW’s work is only possible because of the generous support of those who leave a legacy and crucial to its ability to continue our work to improve animal welfare.
Last year, gifts in Wills helped us to continue pushing the boundaries of our knowledge of animals and their needs. We were able to fund projects such as the Garden Wildlife Health Project, which aims to understand more about the diseases that threaten the health, welfare and conservation of British wildlife species and to use that information to mitigate those threats, as well as cutting edge innovative research projects, such as being able to tell whether pigs are happy from their saliva. We’ve also supported students and early-career researchers and disseminated the results of the science through our conferences and publications.
Legacies constitute a huge tranche of the charity’s income, and have the power to make a difference to a significant number of animals worldwide. UFAW’s CEO Huw Golledge said: We are taking part in Remember a Charity in your Will Week to help raise awareness of the importance of gifts left in Wills – perhaps the greatest gift of all. Now more than ever UFAW is relying on gifts in Wills from supporters like you to help our work continue. We know many of you have recently been reflecting on the things that matter the most – family, friends and the causes close to your heart. Many have also been reminded of the value of planning for the future in order to look after the things you care about most. After taking care of your family and friends, a gift in your Will, regardless of size, will ensure that we can continue to make a lasting difference to the welfare of animals.“
Please see ufaw.org.uk/support/leaving-a-gift-in-your-will to find out more about leaving a gift to UFAW.
Note to Editors:
The Universities Federation for Animal Welfare (UFAW) is an internationally recognised, independent scientific and educational animal welfare charity. It works to improve knowledge and understanding of animals’ needs in order to achieve high standards of welfare for farm, companion, research, captive wild animals and those with which we interact in the wild.
UFAW improves animal welfare worldwide through its programme of awards, grants and scholarships; by educational initiatives, especially at university and college level; by providing information in books, videos, reports and in its scientific journal Animal Welfare; by providing expert advice to governments and others, including for legislation and ‘best practice’ guidelines and codes; and by working with animal keepers, scientists, vets, lawyers and all those who care about animals.
This work relies on the support of members, subscribers and donors.
Remember A Charity
Remember A Charity was formed in the year 2000 as a consortium of charities working to encourage more people to consider leaving a gift to charity in their Will. A representative voice for the sector with over 200 charity members, the campaign works with Government, the legal profession and employers to help normalise legacy giving. Remember A Charity is part of the Chartered Institute of Fundraising, which is incorporated by Royal Charter (RC000910) and is a charity registered in England and Wales (No 1188764) and Scotland (No.SC050060) and is trading for the present time as the Institute of Fundraising.
Find out more at www.rememberacharity.org.uk or follow @RememberCharity.