UFAW Funding Frequently Asked Questions

Before applying to UFAW for funding please carefully read the following frequently asked questions which should help you decide whether your application falls within our remit.

  1. What does UFAW fund?  

UFAW’s purpose is to support science which is in the service of animal welfare. We fund research and other activities which help to understand and/or ameliorate challenges to the welfare of animals. We are interested in the welfare of all animal species where they are affected by humankind including farm, zoo, companion, laboratory and wild or feral animals. Please see below (section 2: what won’t UFAW fund?) for more information on our approach to the welfare of wild animals. 
We will also consider funding projects to improve understanding of animal welfare through education, training or travel to scientific meetings etc. Please see section 3 below for details of individual schemes. 
For all applications, costs should be reasonable and justifiable. In the case of travel the most economical class of travel or accommodation should normally be used, and for research we will only pay the primary costs of the research - we do not usually fund overheads or infrastructure costs etc. 

Our sister charity, the Humane Slaughter Association (www.hsa.org.uk) funds research into the transport and slaughter of livestock species and any research proposals in these areas may be best directed to the HSA.   

2. What won’t UFAW fund? 

Although we think species conservation is admirable, we won’t fund work where the sole aim is conservation. UFAW is concerned with the welfare of animals when it is affected by humankind, so work which reduces animal suffering whilst also addressing conservation issues may be supported but a clear case for how the work benefits animal welfare must be made.  

We do not fund work where the main focus is animal productivity or improvement of livestock yield.  

We do not generally fund work which has already taken place or is already wholly funded by another body and are unlikely to fund travel to attend scientific or other meetings where the applicant is not actively participating (by giving a presentation, for example). 

Where a project forms part of a student’s compulsory coursework, we would normally expect the host institution to support such projects in their entirety and any application to fund such work would need to clearly justify why this was not possible and indicate what contribution the institution is making. 

3. What schemes are available?  

The following schemes are open throughout the year and can be applied for at any time (although applications forms must be submitted at least two months before the start date of the project/date of travel).  

  • Small Research Grant (for research projects up to £5,000). 
  • Large Research Grant (for research projects in excess of £5,000). 
  • Travel, Training and Other Events Grant (to support non-researchevents, such as attending or organising, educational or scientific, meetings, lectures, courses or training visits; or for other small (non-research) events in support of UFAW’s objectives).  

 The schemes below are opened periodically and have specific application deadlines and criteria which will be advertised when calls are announced. Applications for these schemes are not accepted outside these dates. 

4.  How do you decide what to fund?   

Grant applications are judged on their importance for animal welfare, their scientific and other merits, and value for money. To assist us in our assessment, it is very helpful if applications include an estimate of the number of animals affected and the severity of the impacts upon their welfare which the project addresses. Applications are also assessed in relation to other applications received in the same time period.  Account is taken of the quality and potential of applicants. UFAW also endeavours to promote long-term capacity building in science-based animal welfare around the world.   

Consideration also has to be given to any banking or fiscal restrictions that could impede the transfer of a grant.  

UFAW’s Small Research Grant, Large Research Grant, and Travel, Training and Other Events Grant are open to any applicant, worldwide.  However, some schemes – such as the Animal Welfare Student Scholarships – may only be open to academic institutions which are members of the UFAW LINK scheme.   

5. Where do you fund work?  

UFAW is an international charity and will fund work anywhere in the world where useful animal welfare research can be carried out – applications are welcome from researchers based in any country. However, some schemes such as the Student Scholarships are only open to academic institutions which are members of the UFAW LINK scheme – see https://www.ufaw.org.uk/links for a current list. 

6. How much funding can I apply for under the research grants scheme?  

This is difficult to answer as available funds vary. UFAW’s funds for research are limited so it is rare that we can fund very large projects, and typically when such funds are available this will be announced in separate funding calls. However, we do not set limits on what can be applied for under the research grant scheme. Sometimes we will offer an amount less than that requested. In such cases we may stipulate that our funding is contingent upon the applicant finding the rest of the money required to fund the project from another source. 

7. How quickly will I receive a response?  

For open application schemes such as the Small Research Grant, Large Research Grants and the Travel Training and Other Events Grant, we try to consider applications as quickly as possible upon receipt. Although these grant schemes are open throughout the year, we do ask that applications are submitted at least two months before the scheduled start of the work to allow us time to read and consider your application.  

For applications with a deadline such as student scholarships we will publish an estimated timeline for responses. 

8. Can I have feedback on my application?  

UFAW cannot provide detailed feedback or reasons for rejection of applications. 

9.  If my application is successful how will the money be paid?  

Funds are normally paid by cheque, in GBP sterling, to applicants residing in the United Kingdom (UK) and by bank transfer to applicants outside of the UK (any costs associated with a bank transfer must be met by the recipients).   

Please note that funds can only be transferred into an account bearing the applicant’s name (in the case of student scholarships/travel awards etc) or the name of the institution which will administer the award.  Payment cannot be issued to third parties. 

Additionally, sometimes, for reasons beyond our control, such as international sanctions, UFAW may not be able to make certain awards.                               

If you require further information please contact us at grants@ufaw.org.uk or telephone +44 (0)1582 831818. 


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