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Animal Welfare - Content and Abstracts
Volume 31
Issue 1
February 2022
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Volume 31 number 1
- Training as enrichment: A critical review. EJ Fenandez
- An evaluation of the role of ‘biological evidence’ in zoo and aquarium enrichment practices .J Brereton and P Rose
- The effect of blindfolding and swaddling on the stress response to handling in domestic rabbits. KS McIndoe, R Saunders, EJ Blackwell and NJ Rooney
- A new approach to horse welfare based on systems thinking. KL Luke, A Rawluk and T McAdie
- An assessment of animal welfare impacts in wild Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus) management. SE Baker, M Ayers, NJ Beausoleil, SR Belmain, M Berdoy, AP Buckle, C Cagienard, D Cowan, J Fearn-Daglish, P Goddard,
HDR Golledge, E Mullineaux, T Sharp, A Simmons and E Schmolz - A scoping review of freight rail noise and vibration impacts on domestic animal health and welfare. J Trigg, A Naweed and S Kinnear
- Assessment, causes and consequences of short opercula in laboratory-reared Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). E Blaker and T Ellis
- Cortisol is not enough: A complex stress reaction in tethered goats. E Hydbring-Sandberg, L Winblad von Walter and B Forkman
- Linking the roles of personality and stress physiology for managing the welfare of big cats. J Vaz, AG McElligott and E Narayan
- An analysis of the approaches taken around the world to whale euthanasia H Stringfellow, A Butterworth and MP Simmonds
- Individual variation in chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) repertoires of abnormal behaviour. Z Goldsborough, EHM Sterck, FBM de Waal and CE Webb
- The owner-bird relationship: Relevance for pet bird welfare. A-K Burmeister, K Drasch, M Rinder, S Prechsl, A Peschel, R Korbel and NJ Saam