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Animal Welfare - Content and Abstracts
Volume 23
Issue 1
February 2014
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- The welfare ethics of the commercial killing of free-ranging kangaroos: an evaluation of the benefits and costs of the industry. D Ben-Ami, K Boom, L Boronyak, C Townend, D Ramp, D Croft and M Bekoff
- Identification of major welfare issues for captive elephant husbandry by stakeholders. V Gurusamy, A Tribe and CJC Phillips
- The welfare of long-line tethered and free-ranging horses kept on public grazing land in South Wales. S Mullan, C Szmaragd, J Hotchkiss and HR Whay
- Prioritisation of companion dog welfare issues using expert consensus. EL Buckland, SA Corr, SM Abeyesinghe and CM Wathes
- Defining and measuring farmers’ attitudes to farm animal welfare. H Hansson and CJ Lagerkvist
- The effect of fine granular sand on pododermatitis in captive greater flamingos (Phoenicopterus roseus). F Wyss, C Wenker, S Hoby, F von Houwald, V Schumacher, MG Doherr and N Robert
- Risk factors for unassisted on-farm death in Swedish dairy cows. K Alvåsen, PT Thomsen, C Hallén Sandgren, M Jansson Mörk and U Emanuelson
- Does owning a companion animal influence the belief that animals experience emotions such as grief? JK Walker, N McGrath, IG Handel, NK Waran and CJC Phillips
- Can animal-based welfare assessment be simplified? A comparison of the Welfare Quality® protocol for dairy cattle and the simpler and less time-consuming protocol developed by the Danish Cattle Federation. SN Andreasen, P Sandøe and B Forkman
- Implementing Welfare Quality® in UK assurance schemes: evaluating the challenges. CAE Heath, Y Lin, S Mullan, WJ Browne and DCJ Main
- Does the current regulation of assisted reproductive techniques in the UK safeguard animal welfare. MLH Campbell