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Animal Welfare - Content and Abstracts
Volume 11
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Volume 11 Number 1
February 2002
- The push-door for measuring motivation in hens: an adaptation and a critical discussion of the method. I A S Olsson, L J Keeling and T M McAdie
- The push-door for measuring motivation in hens: laying hens are motivated to perch at 9; night. I A S Olsson and L J Keeling
- The ability of cattle to distinguish between, and their preference for, floors with 9; different levels of friction, and their avoidance of floors contaminated with excreta. C J C Phillips and I D Morris
- Assessing pain in animals. 9; K M D Rutherford
- Welfare of male and female broiler chickens in relation to stocking density, as 9; indicated by performance, health and behaviour. 9; J A McLean, C J Savory and N H C Sparks
- Effect of access to roughage and shelter on selected behavioural indicators of welfare. 9; in pigs housed in a complex environment. A W Olsen, H B Simonsen and L Dybkj
Short Communication
- Dehydration and lameness in a broiler flock. A Butterworth, C A Weeks, P R Crea and S C Kestin
- Rapid behavioural adjustments to unfavourable light conditions in European starling. (Sturnus vulgaris) S A Maddocks, A T D Bennett and I C Cuthill
Technical Contribution
Volume 11 Number 2
May 2002
- The ethical review process in the UK and Australia: the Australian experience of improved dialogue and communication. R H Bradshaw
- The welfare implications of shepherding during lambing in extensive New Zealand farming systems. M W Fisher and D J Mellor
- Regulation of free-roaming cat (Felis silvestris catus) populations: a survey of the literature and its application to Israel. I Gunther and J Terkel
- Effects of browse, human visitors and noise on the behaviour of captive orang utans. L Birke
- Behavioural responses to castration in lambs. P D Thornton and A E Waterman-Pearson
- A comparison of the activity budgets of wild and captive Sulawesi crested black macaques (Macaca nigra). V A Melfi and A T C Feistner
- Behavioural and physiological responses of suckling lambs to transport and lairage. M Ib·Òez, J De la Fuente, J Thos and E Gonz·lez de Chavarri
- Stereotypic behaviour and tail biting in farmed mink (Mustela vison) in a new housing system. C M Vinke, N C Eenkhoorn, W J Netto, P C J Fermont and B M Spruijt
Volume 11 Number 3
August 2002
- Methods used to kill fish: field observations and literature reviewed. D H F Robb and S C Kestin
- Philosophical debate on the nature of well-being: implications for animal welfare. M C Appleby and P Sand¯e
- Relationship between rooting behaviour and foraging in growing pigs. V E Beattie and N E OíConnell
- An examination of some physiological variables for assessing the welfare of beef cattle in feedlots. S C Wilson, L R Fell, I G Colditz and D P Collins
- The influence of length of time in a rescue shelter on the behaviour of kennelled dogs. D L Wells, L Graham and P G Hepper
- Rats demand social contact. E G Patterson-Kane, M Hunt and D Harper
- Assessment of return to consciousness after electrical stunning in lambs. A Velarde, J L Ruiz-de-la-Torre, C RosellÛ, E Fýbrega, A Diestre and X Manteca
Short Communication
Volume 11 Number 4
November 2002
- Pituitary-adrenal activation in pre-parturient pigs (Sus scrofa) is associated with behavioural restriction due to lack of space rather than nesting substrate. S Jarvis, S K Calvert, J Stevenson, N vanLeeuwen and A B Lawrence
- The influence of auditory stimulation on the behaviour of dogs housed in a rescue shelter. D L Wells, L Graham and P G Hepper
- Oral administration of a 12% sucrose solution did not decrease behavioural indicators of distress in piglets undergoing tail docking, teeth clipping and ear notching. J S Rand, G J Noonan, J Priest, J Ainscow and J K Blackshaw
- Transport stress in roe deer (Capreolus capreolus): effect of a short-acting antipsychotic. J MontanÈ, I Marco, J LÛpez-Olvera, X Manteca and S LavÌn
- Early life experiences: activity levels and abnormal behaviours in resocialised chimpanzees. J E Martin
- Childhood experiences and attitudes towards animal issues: a comparison of young adults in Japan and the UK. A Miura, J W S Bradshaw and H Tanida
Short Communication
Technical Contribution