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Animal Welfare - Content and Abstracts
Volume 10
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Volume 10 Number 1
February 2001
- The use of nose-rings in pigs: consequences for rooting, other functional activities, and welfare. R I Horrell, P J A'Ness, S A Edwards and J C Eddison
- The effect of stocking density on the welfare and behaviour of broiler chickens reared commercially. A L Hall
- The welfare of farmed mink (Mustela vison) in relation to behavioural selection: a review. J Malmkvist and S W Hansen
- Environmental enrichment reduces the performance of stereotypic circling behaviour in captive common seals (Phoca vitulina). J A E Grindrod and J A Cleaver
- A novel operant conditioning test to determine whether dairy cows dislike passageways that are dark or covered with excreta. C J C Phillips and I D Morris
- Reducing equine stereotypies using an Equiball. J V Henderson and N K Waran
Technical Contribution
Volume 10 Number 2
May 2001
- The occurrence of tail tip alterations in fattening bulls kept under different husbandry conditions. L Schrader, H-R Roth, C Winterling, N Brodmann, W Langhans, H Geyer and B Graf
- The effects of light intensity and light source on injuries due to pecking of male domestic turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo). C Moinard, P D Lewis, G C Perry and C M Sherwin
- A comparison of commonly used ear tags on the ear damage of sheep. D S Edwards, A M Johnston and D U Pfeiffer
- Wire-floor pens as an alternative to metallic cages in fattening rabbits: influence on some welfare traits. A Martrenchar, E Boilletot, J-P Cotte and J-P Morisse
- Effect of milk source on welfare and weight gain of lambs. A Sevi, F Napolitano, D Casamassima and S Dell'Aquila
- The putative welfare-reducing effects of preventing equine stereotypic behaviour. S D McBride and D Cuddeford
Technical Contribution
Volume 10 Number 3
August 2001
- The welfare of farmed foxes Vulpes vulpes and Alopex lagopus in relation to housing and management: a review. A J Nimon and D M Broom
- Feeding gum arabic to New World monkeys: species differences and palatability. S Herron, E Price and D Wormell
- The effect of exercise deprivation on the behaviour and physiology of straight stall confined pregnant mares. K Houpt, T R Houpt, J L Johnson, H N Erb and S C Yeon
- Behavioural reactions, semen quality and testosterone levels in cocks: genetic implications. V Ferrante, M Verga, M G Mangiagalli and C Carenzi
- The effect of increasing dietary fibre on feeding, rumination and oral stereotypies in captive giraffes (Giraffa camelopardalis). E Baxter and A B Plowman
- Intra-abdominal transmitter implantation in mice: effects on behaviour and body weight. V Baumans, J A Bouwknecht, H Boere, K Kramer, H A van Lith, H A van de Weerd and H van Herck
- The welfare impact of increased gavaging doses in rats. L Alban, P J Dahl, A K Hansen, K C Hejgaard, A L Jensen, M Kragh, P Thomsen and P Steensgaard
Short Communication
Volume 10 Number 4
November 20001
- The effect of a ‘Freedom Food’ enrichment on the behaviour of broilers on commercial farms. A Kells, M S Dawkins and M Cortina Borja
- Introduction of foreign female Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) into an existing group: behavioural reactions and changes in cortisol levels. J Schmid, M Heistermann, U Gansloßer and J K Hodges
- The effects of elevated platforms and concealment screens on the welfare of blue foxes. J Mononen, S Kasanen, M Harri, J Sepponen and T Rekilä
- Lower-row caging in a two-tiered housing system does not affect the behaviour of young, singly housed rhesus macaques. S J Schapiro and M Bloomsmith
- Preferences of housed finishing beef cattle for different floor types. D E Lowe, R W J Steen and V E Beattie
- Deflighting procedures and their welfare implications in captive birds. H Hesterman, N G Gregory and W S J Boardman
- The effects of intrusion on the behaviour of caged laboratory rats (Rattus norvegicus): consequences for welfare. R Barclay
Short Communication